Mandatory Migration and Maintenance

  • Monday, 26th September, 2016
  • 10:09am

On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 we will be migrating some of our customers from the old servers to brand new machines.

This migration does not affect all customers.

You will be receiving multiple notices via e-mail if your website is affected...

If you missed our notices, you can view them through the "Email History" section in your client area.

NO emails - it means that this upgrade does not applies to you.

The new servers will offer better performance and stability along with an upgraded operating system.

We plan to facilitate this migration as quickly and as easily as possible.

  • Part of our process for this migration includes performing several separate syncs of your data in order to ensure we have the most up-to-date version of your files on the new server.
  • During the final sync, that is currently scheduled on Friday, Feb 12, 2016 at 6:30pm MST, we will shut down several processes on your old server (Apache, Email, MySQL), and copy any changed files, mail, and databases. Unfortunately, during the final sync your site(s) and all services will be offline for several hours and you will not be able to access your cPanel and emails.
  • While the final sync is in progress we will change the DNS zone files on your old server to point to your new server. We will also provide you with a new IP addresses for your server and new DNS nameservers for your domain name. You will need change your DNS nameservers at your domain registrar (if applicable) and the migration will be complete.

We will keep you updated via email throughout this entire migration. If you have any questions about this migration, feel free to open support ticket through your client area

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

Kind regards,
SKGOLD® Hosting

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