Disk Space Usage Print

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To see the exact breakdown for your disk space usage please use the Disk Usage tool located in the Files section in your cPanel:

  • Log into your cPanel (hosting control panel).
  • Navigate to the Files section.
  • Click the Disk Usage icon.
  • To see the space usage in a certain folder, scroll down to the directory tree and click on the arrow beside a folder.
  • If you will click on the folder itself, you will be navigated into that folder in the File Manager.

If you are close to, or already exceeded your disk space limit, you have several options:

- If you are using the Baby or Basic hosting plan, upgrading your hosting account to a better plan will be the most fast and easy way to fix your Disk Space Usage issue. For the Unlimited hosting plan your disk space will be increased automatically.

- Another option is to clear your disk space and remove some files and/or email messages from your hosting account.

The most common reason for the high Disk Space Usage is a storage of email messages under your hosting account on your server. You can easily clear the disk space in your email accounts by following directions provided in the "How to recover Email Disk Space via the cPanel?" article.

!!!IMPORTANT!!! DO NOT delete any files above the public_html directory. Deleting important files above the public_html directory may brake your hosting account and your website and hosting account will stop working.

!!!IMPORTANT!!! Always make a backup of your hosting account, prior to deleting any files.

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